2019 Ultimate Killer Whale

This is our third time running this incredible tour, and once again, it was an amazing success. As we had planned (and hoped), this years adventure provided us with some truly amazing encounters with Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales during our private boat charters in the south, while our stay on board the Columbia III provided us with numerous wonderful encounters with several pods of Northern Resident Killer Whales in the north. Couple all this with an incredible evening and morning watching Grizzly Bears feeding on the beach, hundred’s of Pacific White-sided Dolphins bow-riding and playing around the boat, Sea Otters and their pups, Humpback Whales in every area we visited, multiple Black Bears feeding on the beaches, thousands of seabirds and a wonderful opportunity to sample some great local wines, and you have the makings of an outstanding wildlife holiday whose highlights frequently extend beyond the reach of any tour title.

We’ve always been very pleased with the incredible wildlife encounters we enjoy on this truly unique tour, so we hope you enjoy this year’s photographic highlights!

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