2019 A Feast of Whales

Well, we think it is safe to say that our very first Feast of Whales was a huge success! Extraordinary weather, great people, great crew and great wildlife….what more could anyone ask for? Each day of this tour seemed to provide us with unique wildlife highlights as well as countless opportunities to see our target species for the tour …Humpback Whales… sometimes dozens of them at a time, all feeding amidst a glorious backdrop of stunning coastal scenery. Whether it was watching a solo humpback whale repeatedly blow perfect bubble-nets in a glassy flat ocean, having Brown Bears wander past us (sometimes just a few meters away) as we sat quietly by a remote waterfall, or having a river otter mum bring her young pup down to play in a quiet forest pool just few meters in front of entire group, this tour was filled with delights from beginning to end. With such stunning conditions and such obliging wildlife, it really did turn out to be a photographers dream too. As one of our guests said, “It’s just too easy”! This was definitely a tour that we’ll be looking to run again so watch this space.

Check out our tour calendar for future tours

or contact us directly to register your interest