Wildlife Tour Calendar
2024 Tours
September 27- October 7, 2024
Spirits of the Great Bear Rainforest
Most people are drawn to this area to see the imfamous 'spirit bear'... But this spectacular area is also home to other 'spirits', such as grizzly and black bears, humpback whales, fin whales, wolves, sea lions and of course salmon.
Status: Full
Spirit Bear (Black Bear)
2025 Tours
Vancouver Island Black Bear, Ursus americanus vancouveri
March/April 2025
Spring Herring Spawn on Vancouver Island
Experience one of Vancouver Island's most underrated wildlife spectacles as bears, sea lions, whales, eagles, seabirds and wolves turn their attention to the Spring Herring Spawn. This extended coastal expedition will take us to remote wilderness cabins and luxurious coastal lodges in hopes of catching the event at it's peak. With so many wildlife opportunities to take advantage of, this tour is sure to offer something for both returning and first-time visitors to Vancouver Island.
Status: Spaces Available
May 2025
Visit Canadas premier wine region and experience a wealth of wildlife on this luxurious, ‘go-slow’ wildlife holiday through Britsh Columbias little-known Okanagan Valley. From pretty fruit orchards and artisinal vineyards, to forested mountains and arid deserts, the diverse habitats of this beautiful valley offer something for every naturalists interests.
Status: Spaces Available
Sea Otter, Enhydra lutris
June 13 - 17, 2024
Coastal Rainforest photographic safari - Puffins and Pelagics
Remote seabird colonies, sea otters, whales, beears, wolves and more... This 4 night wildlife safari is tailor made for any wildlife photographer or enthusiastic naturalist looking for opportunities to see and photograph some of Vancouver Islands most iconic species while exploring the remote islands of Northern Vancouver Island.
Status: Limited Spaces Available
Coastal Wolf, Canis lupus crassodon
early and mid-July 2025
Coastal Rainforest Safaris - Iconic Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest
As every good wildlife photographer and wildlife enthusiast knows, it takes many hours of patient watching for the best opportunities to present themselves. These unique, small-group, wildlife focused tours aim to provide exactly that, whether it's waiting for the opportunity to see the elusive coastal wolf, or knowing the best times to be out exploring. With 5 days to explore some of BC's richest waters, we are sure to find some expceptional moments.
Status: Limited Space Available
Humpback Whale, Megaptera novaeangliae
mid-August 2025
Coastal Rainforest Safaris - Ionic WIldlife of the Pacific Northwest
This 5-day, small-group tour has been scheduled to time with the arrival of several different species of whales, including both the Northern Resident Killer Whales and their stealthy relations, the Bigg's Killer Whales. In addition to marine mammal opportunities, the shorelines around Northern Vancouver Island are also home to coastal wolves, black bears and even Grizzly bears.
Status: Limited Space Available
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Pacific white-sided Dolphins