Lee is a professional ecologist, naturalist, photographer and writer. He has more than fifteen years of experience guiding a wide variety of natural history tours all over the world and has worked as a bear guide in the Great Bear Rainforest. He has guided successful tours throughout Europe, The Arctic, South America, and Madagascar but has a particular passion for the wildlife of the Pacific Coast. Prior to relocating to Canada, he worked as an environmental educator and ecological consultant in the UK and has extensive experience of working closely with a wide variety of rare and protected species including bats and other small mammals. He is an enthusiastic all-round naturalist, with a great ear for finding birds in dense cover and a amazing eye for identifying them too.
Lindsay Janes
Lindsay is an experienced naturalist, guide, teacher, marine biologist, and photographer. She has lived in BC her entire life, and has been working as a professional naturalist and wildlife guide in the Pacific Northwest for more than 15 years where she has assimilated a wealth of knowledge about the wildlife and cultural heritage of the region. She is an experienced bear guide, has a particular passion for marine wildlife and the ecology of temperate rain forests, and a boundless enthusiasm for sharing her extensive knowledge and experience of this subject. She has also worked as an advanced wilderness first aid instructor, high school science teacher, and multi-day hiking guide.